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Building a Startup That Will Last

By Hemant Taneja, Ken Chenault July 08, 2019 For the past decade, growth rates have defined success for most technology companies. Moore’s Law enabled unprecedented computing power, setting off a sprint in winner-take-all marketplaces with increasing returns to scale. Growth-hacking became the entrepreneurial mantra of the early 21st century, resulting in the creation of new tech giants, […]

When It’s OK to Trust Your Gut on a Big Decision

By Laura Huang October 22, 2019 Some executives pride themselves on having a strong intuition, honed through years of experience, that guides their decisions. Others are ambivalent about relying on their intuition to make important choices, concerned that their gut reaction is inherently biased or emotional. This latter group is no doubt responding to the […]

How to Respond to “So, Tell Me About Yourself” in a Job Interview

By Joel SchwartzbergAugust 12, 2019 The toughest job interview question may seem like a softball from the interviewer’s perspective: “So…tell me about yourself.” It seems easy because it feels like a free pass: no hypothetical scenario, no request for real-life examples, no technical challenge, not even the dreaded “What’s your biggest flaw?” Just…tell me anything. […]